Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Day the Music Died..

Also known as "the day my maid quit". Either way, all I know is that this past Tuesday I stopped singing the little diddy about never having to clean my toilets. And yes, this does count as losing my fifth, yes fifth, employee (counting all the drivers). I'll be honest, I so did NOT see this one coming. Just last week she was talking about her former employer and how much she had to work and about the pay not being that great for the amount of work she had to do. I asked her if she felt that way about me and she said no. She liked it here because we were easy to care for. She said she liked that we didn't have a lot of "stuff" to clean around and she liked that she didn't HAVE to take care of the kids. She only stepped in to help when she was done with her work and it was really only to play with them. So, with all of that being said, I was shocked.

The last Friday that she was here she informed me that she wouldn't be in on Monday and instead would come on Tuesday because she was going to baking school in Bangkok. I knew that she had dreams of opening her own bakery (our charades and broken English conversations were very informative about her as a person), but I also thought that it wouldn't be until next year because she needed approval from the bank for her loan. It seemed like a long process so I thought I was safe from her leaving. Stupidly, I also thought that we would be the beneficiaries of her new culinary skills. Big fat WRONG!

On Tuesday, the day she quit, I walked into my bedroom to find her doing her thing and simply asked her how school went. She got this strange look on her face and says "about that..". Well, I knew right then and there that the news she was about to delivery to me was not good. Turns out I'm a bit psychic because I was right! The school in Bangkok was too far and far too expensive so she found a local alternative that was free but much more intensive. So, that meant for me that I was losing her. No two week notice. No notice at all. Just a simple "madam, I no come to work no more", and that was the end of her employment. She offered her friend up as a replacement, stayed throughout the day, then left with a promise to see me on Wednesday as her "official" last day.

Wednesday went well enough. She was here all day, watched the babe while I did my Thai lessons, and then cooked us yet another fab meal. At around 4pm she offered to call her friend so that I could meet her. Stupid me forgot to ask BEFORE I said yes as to whether or not said friend spoke any English. Khun P's English was about as little as I could handle for as much as we interacted. Anyway, after the friend shows up we all just stand there looking at one another because come to find out, possible new maid doesn't speak a lick of English! After a few nervous laughs were exchanged, Khun P did the talking. She told her the pay and said she would show her what to do during the day. At this point I actually broke down and begged her to stay promising her more money. I was weak, I admit. Unfortunately for me she didn't take it. Apparently "bakery" wasn't code for "I want more money". Anyway, she asked whether or not I wanted new maid to cook which prompted me to make a very childish face. After she scolded me a bit for doing so, Khun P assured me that new maid was a good cook. Possibly even better then herself.

So, after she showed new maid what to do during the day, we said our tearful goodbyes with her promising to come by and visit and bring us cookies. Whether she will actually do this or not, I don't know. All I do know is that my new diddy is now "Somebody That I Used to Know", which my loving hubby finds ever so amusing although somewhat accurate ( I broke down our relationship for him in song form. It was quite funny but you really had to be there to appreciate it). I really like Khun P and she will be sadly missed, but I do wish her  much success.

You know what I find so crazy about this whole experience was that I was really against having a maid. Turns out however, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had pictured. I thought she would be all up in my space and intrusive and trying to tell me what to do with my kids. She wasn't any, or didn't do, any, of those things. She was quiet helpful and very funny. She made the days here in Thailand a lot less lonely. Oh well. Fly Khun P, fly! I will always remember you as "Somebody That I Used to Know"!

I'll update soon with a report on new maid. Hopefully it works out but I'm not optimistic. Until next time I hope all is well.

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