Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Stranded on a deserted mountain on New Years eve...

A few weeks ago I decided to take the kids out riding on the golf course behind our house. There is a spot that I have been itching to see that is about as far away from our house as you can get without leaving the compound. To get there from my front door it takes about 15 minutes but the drive is well worth the city/mountain/lake views that await you. I loved it so much up there that I started taking the kids there every afternoon just to take in the sites and let the kids roll around on the hills. It truly is a gorgeous place and to top it off, there isn't a soul around to bother you. And with that being said, here is my story of being stranded on top of a mountain with no one around.

The day started out like any typical day in our family. Nothing special going on. Just a nice, quite, relaxing day. Since we had been having those types of days for the better part of a week with the hubby being off from work, we were all going a bit stir crazy. So, around 4pm we loaded up the kids on the golf cart and took off to the swimming pool in our compound. The pool was a bit dirty from all the ash of the brush fire the day prior, and with there being no pool toys, it turned out to be a rather quick trip. After leaving the pool we decided that we needed more "out time"so we took off for the mountain for the kids to play.

As were are driving along i stated to smell this very foul odor. I had smelled it earlier on the way to the pool and thought it smelled like pesticides , but I wanst 100% sure. The higher we climbed the worse the smell got. Since there was no one around spraying I started looking for more fires thinking maybe that could have been it. We saw a few but they were off in the distances miles away, so that wanst it either. So??? What could it be???

Umm yes, we very soon  found out what it could be! As we were getting to the place where we usually stop with the kids for them to play I turned to the hubby and said "hmm, I wonder if it could be the golf cart making that smell?"  And would you know that no sooner did those words leave my mouth that the hubby turns to be while frantically pushing the gas and says "oh now you figure it out!". WORST. TIMING. EVER!!! 

So, here we are. At the very least, two miles away from the house. Up a mountain. With three kids in what we presumed was a broken down golf cart. Not a soul around to help because it was New Years eve and people had stopped playing golf hours before.  Oh, and lets not forget that it was close to dinner time and we were all wet from being at the pool!

Since the battery compartment was hot to the touch the hubby had us get off the golf cart while he tried to get his thoughts together on how we were getting back home. She-woman that I am decided to try and take control of the situation and was getting ready to put the babe in the basket and have our five year old drive down the mountain while the hubby and I pushed. In hindsight, that was a terrible idea, lol!

Before actually attempting to play out my idea the hubby had an even better one. You see, where the drive/park stick is located is right below where our big kid was resting his feet. The hubby had the genius idea to check to ensure that we hadn't accidentally been put in neutral before attempting my brilliant idea.  Umm, yeah. It had!!! We weren't stranded after all. At least not yet!

It turns out that there is something wrong with our golf cart that does in fact involve the battery compartment and a rather stinky smell. Since the golf cart is just a rental and since we have no idea how to open the darn thing, we have to "call the guy" to come out and fix it. Note to self: call the guy! Anyway, we did make it home without further incident, smelling like burnt rubber. Stinky smell and almost being stranded aside, it was a rather nice drive and an interesting way to end the year, especially seeing as how I had been stranded at the start of our year in Thailand... TWICE! I see a very disturbing theme developing here, lol!

After safely arriving home and parking the golf cart WITHOUT plugging it in (that was pretty much the only good idea I brought to the table) we had a nice relaxing dinner followed by some TV time and bed. I was the only one up to see the new year roll in as my crew had long since passed out.

Well, since it is dinner time, I really must go. I hope you all have a fantastic new year!

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