Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Thailand 2012 Year End Review

We have officially been in Thailand for a whole four months and I must say that I have a learned a thing or two since our arrival. Heck, I learned a lot before our arrival, lol! We have had some good times and some bad, but all in all, it was life with my family, so it was great! So, with that being said, here is my list of year 2012 most memorable moments:

10) When you are waiting for your husband to call with news about your move to Texas, holding your breath is not advisable. You think i would have learned this fact a few years when back when the whole "moving to Texas" thing started. But alas, I held my breath anyway and the call never came. Well, it did, but not with news about a Texas move. Although, I must admit that when my husband said Thailand I did in fact ask if that was in Texas. Umm, no. It isn't!

9) Moving to a foreign country is hard, especially when that country is a 3rd world country. Before our arrival everyone we talked to informed us that living here would be like a permanent vacation, or a staycation if you will. Well, they were seriously wrong as our time in Thailand has been anything but. Hopefully 2013 will be much nicer.

8) Tokay's, geckos, rats, bees, and ants, do not make for great pets or house guest! Enough said!!!

7) Flying with three kids half way around the world is not as bad as you would think. Well, maybe it is for people who have less chilled kids then ours, but ours did great! Could have also had something to do with the fact that we flew first class.....

6) I always knew that life was short and that family was important. I never felt those lessons more then on October 19 (state side). My outlook on life changed with one phone call.

5) Seeing your last baby turn one is both a sad and amazing feeling all at once! She is finally walking and even says a few words.

4) Watching your second child grown into a boy who can talk in full sentences when you previous thought you would need interventions is an amazing feeling. Heck, the boy even says a few words of Thai! He is an amazing little man with so much personality!

3) Seeing your oldest go off to "big kid school", especially in a foreign country, is a hard thing for a momma to process. There are still days when I question our decision. Every day I hold my breath until I have him home with me again.

2) Celebrating the 10 year anniversary with the most amazing man ever! We didn't do anything big and flashy, but we spent it together with our babies and it was great!

1) I guess the most memorable thing that I can think of for 2012 isn't so much a single memorable moment as it is a collection of moments. 2012 was harsh and kind all at the same time and it is a year that I will never forget for many reasons (see previous 9 for starters). We have been blessed in so many ways and I thank God every day that my family is together and healthy and happy.

So, with all of that being said, my new motto for the new year is "Worrying will never change the outcome". I really need to learn this lesson and stop stressing so much over things that I cannot change.

And to my family: I love you all dearly and life would not be same without every single one of you in it! Thank you for being you!

Happy New Year!

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