Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The great curling iron debacle

I am still a little in shock as to what happened with regards to my new curling iron. I cant for the life of me understand how the word "no" and the shaking of my head for emphasis, was not enough to convince this woman at the department store that what she was trying to sell me was not in fact what I wanted. Let me explain...

Thailand electrical works off of different voltage then we do in The States. Here in Thailand they work of 220 I think,  maybe 240... In any event, it's different and we cant use most of our electrical stuff here, despite the fact that they will plug in. So, since I knew this before leaving home I purchased what I thought was a good converter. (Note to self: do NOT buy converter's from the luggage aisle at Wal Mart and expect them to work on expensive appliances.) Okay, so as I said I had this converter and for the most part it was working well. We did have to purchase a few new items that wouldn't convert, like hubby's hair trimmer that totally screwed up Middle Boys hair (totally not my fault, despite what my hubby says), a coffee maker, an iron, really small things. The one thing that I did find that sort of worked on the converter was my curling iron. I knew it wouldn't last forever working like it was, but I also didn't want to go out an purchase something new (and expensive) that I would only be able to use for a year. Now, please understand, I do like to shop and I can spend money quite quickly, but I also hate to waste, and this, buying a new curling iron, felt like a waste. So, I held off. And then it died. On a day when I needed presentable hair because Big Kid had a school thing. Great!

So, I did what any girl would do in that situation. I slapped on some makeup, put on a pretty dress, and strutted my stuff like I had good hair instead of bad. Okay, "strutting my stuff" isn't entirely accurate. I mean I was going to a kindergarten program after all. Lets go with, "I have three kids so cut me slack on my bad hair" walk. Yep, that sounds more like it,lol! So, after the program had concluded I went to the mall to purchase a new iron.

I went to the mall with one objective, and that was to buy a Lesasha iron (please exaggerate the "Le" part when you say it. It's more fun sounding that way!), but unfortunately, due to faulty debit cards issued by our Thai bank,  I was denied my purchase. It was embarrassing when it happened, but it actually turned out to be a good thing since the lady did in fact talk me into a different brand then what I wanted. You see, hubby and I have had a run in with this particular lady before. She was the one who insisted that the Babyliss hair trimmer that he ended up with was THE BEST and that he just had to buy it. Umm no. Not even close. She seems to speak just enough English to tell you are wrong and that you want something else, but not quite enough to understand the word "no". Anyway, I left with decent hair (she did my hair for me) but no iron. Thankfully my wonderful neighbor loaned me her spare until I could get a new one.

So, that brings us to Sunday. The hubby volunteered to take me back to the mall to acquire a new iron. Unfortunantly we did not time our arrival well and were greeted by the same sales girl who came running (yes, I do mean running) when she saw me. She says "oh, I remember you. Here is what you want" and proceeds to pull out the iron that I did not want. After tell her so, and pointing several times to the one that I did want, she finally got the message and called over a man. Why a man, you may be asking yourself. And no, he did not speak better English then her. He did however have better hair and I am quite certain moonligths as a lady. Anyway, after rebuffing him on the same iron she tried selling me, he tossed his perfectly styled hair at me and stormed off in a huff stating "Well, I tried!". Okay dude, or dudette, whatever! So, I went back to shopping and tried at least three times to get the iron that I wanted and was promptly told three times that she didn't have any and they were no good. Well, she must have thought that I was blind because she had several under the counter, which I showed her. She again told me no! So, after a very frustrating time with her we walked across the store to another Leshasha counter. This time they had the boxes out in the open where you could just get what you wanted. As I am picking up the box I see her out the corner of my eye coming my way, and I freaked! Thankfully she was intercepted by another customer.

After I pick up my box, hide behind my stroller with it for a while, I tell the hubby to run to the counter so that we can pay and get the heck out of there. Hubby is laughing his butt off by the way! Once we get to the counter and I hand over the iron, this look of confusion comes over the clerk's face. So, what does she do? She gets on the darn phone and calls "Ms. No You Can't Have That"! Why? Why did she HAVE to do that? I had already gotten into trouble with Ms. No and I certainly did not need her coming to take the prize that I worked so hard to find. I will never know the answer to this question since they were speaking in Thai, but the message was clear, I should have allowed Ms. No to bring the iron to the counter (or, I should have at least listened and bought the other one). After talking to each other for what seemed like an eternity, the clerk hangs up the phone and I hold my breath while I wait for Ms. No to appear and scold me once again. Luckily it didn't happen and she allowed me to continue with my purchase. After my credit card was authorized and the receipt was printed, we took off, Iron in bag! Score!!

Until next time, I hope all is well!

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